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Tree Consultancy

Introducing Cedarwood Tree Consultants
Leading National Tree Consultants

Expert Consultation

Leading Tree Consultant

Expert Tree Consultancy Services

We are a practice of tree consultants who provide technical advice and support for a range of situations. We provide help and support with planning permission applications, BS5837:2012 tree reports, tree expert witness services, and Tree Preservation Order disputes. We also provide a large number of additional services for people encountering tree problems or in need of tree advice, including mortgage reports and insurance reports for trees and site development surveys for building sites with trees.

Our Services

Expert Tree Consultancy

Who we work with:

Solicitors / Insurance

The expert witness report is a specific document requiring an informed author working to the etiquette of CPR 35. Our Principal Consultant Mark Chester is an accredited expert witness (CUEW).

Land Owners

As a land owner you have a Duty of Care to others to ensure trees on your land are safe. This can seem daunting. We can work with you to ensure that you are informed and your trees are safe.


From planning feasibility to measures to mitigate, identifying which trees are worth retaining to resolving conditions of approval, we are here to help you, producing tree reports to BS5837:2012 as required.

Home Owners

Whether preparing to sell, buy or just seeking reassurance that your home is safe, we can help. Reports for mortgages, insurance, reassurance and also for Tree Preservation Order consents.

Proud to support Oscar’s Tree Academy CIC

As featured on Jeremy Vine’s BBC Radio 2 Show

Listen to our lead consultant Mark Chester give Expert tree advice on the Jeremy Vine’s BBC Radio 2 show:

Arboricultural Consultant

Do you need a Tree Report from a Qualified Arborist?

We provide help and support with planning permission applications, BS5837:2012 tree reports, tree expert witness services, and Tree Preservation Order disputes. We also provide a large number of additional services for people encountering tree problems or in need of tree advice, including mortgage reports and insurance reports for trees and site development surveys for building sites with trees.

Tree and Arboricultural Consultancy

Leading national Tree Consultants who can help with the following services:

Tree Report | Planning Report | BS5837:2012 | Tree Constraints Plan | Tree Method Statement | Arboricultural Method Statement | Mortgage Report | Home Buyer Report | Tree Safety | Tree Expert | Boundary Dispute | Invading Roots | Tree Failure | Tree Condition | Tree Health | Landscape Plan | Tree Protection Plan | Tree Protection | Tree Preservation Order | Tree Conservation Area | Expert Witness | Court Report | Feasibility | Tree Survey | Valuing Trees | Planning Enforcement

For answers to your questions, and a free initial consultation, drop us a line. We are here to help.